Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Narrative Text The Legend of Sendang Coyo

Long time ago, in Grobogan ,here was a king named Prabu Anglingdarma from Malwapati Kingdom who had an ability to hear animals’ speaking. One day, he and his wife were sitting together, spending time doing chit chat. But suddenly, the king smiled because he heard a male lizard who flirted to female lizard. He heard that male lizard said he loved female lizard but she did not believe in him. Misunderstood, king’s wife considered that her husband smiled because he wanted to mock her softly. Moreover, the king did not want to tell the truth that he was smiling at the couple of lizard, not to his wife. but his wife forced him to tell, if not, she would burn herself right at that time. Then, because of his love toward his wife, he finally told her the truth that he could hear all animals’ speaking.
              After knowing that the king had such a unique ability, she insisted him to give the ability to her. But the king refused it because he had swore to the god that he would not tell anybody about his ability, moreover he also did not know how to transfer his ability to his wife. Unfortunately, his wife reacted too much. She said that he would burn herself if the king would not give her the ability. Because of his love, the king decided to burn himself together with his wife. His wife agreed.
              On the day given, Malwapati people were gathering to see their king and queen burning their body together in a vast yard, behind the palace. The queen jumped to the fire first. Then, it was king’s turn to jump, but suddenly he heard a goat mocking at him. “Oh how stupid our king is, just because of her love to his wife, he would do anything childish. Who would be able to lead this kingdom if the king itself does not have a logical thinking?” Right at that time, the king realized that he had done something stupid. Then he decided to take the water into the fire where his wife burned his body. But it was so difficult to get water, then with his strong power, he made a sendang, a place where water comes naturally to the surface from underground. Then he succeeded and his wife was safe.

              The next time he demanded his servant to take care of the sendang. His servant’s name was Gabusrowo. For the sendang, he spent forty days fasting to immortalize it. Because of it, his face turned bright from day to day. Then because his face turned bright as the light, this sendang is called as Sendang Coyo. Coyo itself means light, implied from the brightness face of Gabusrowo.

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