Friday, May 23, 2014

Explanation Text-How Venus Eclipse Happens

Venus eclipse once shown in part of the world on May 16, 2010. It is a rare condition that makes people curious of why and how it can be happening. A report says that Venus eclipse will be shown again in 2050.
Actually Venus eclipse happens just like sun eclipse. Venus eclipses happen when the position of the planet, moon, and Venus are parallel. Venus will be unseen from people’s eye because it is covered by the moon. The moon’s surface coats Venus so that it makes Venus will look disappear. Then Venus looks to maneuver behind the moon.

Both moon and planets have same path for sharing their apparent within the sky. That is the reason why Venus seems like to be close enough to the moon, or passes the moon looks like passes the Venus. The fact is that moon will be located close enough to Venus once a month. Unfortunately, people rarely see this event, or maybe they do not know it. Even if they know about this fact, they will not be able to see it clearly because people’s eyes are hard to see this event in the evening sky.

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