Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hortatory Exposition-Preservative Nuggets may Shorten Your Life Time

We all know that many instant foods are delicious and fast in cooking process. But do we all know that many instant foods contain some preservative substances that may endanger our body? Anyway, nowadays people tend not to pay attention about this problem even though it’s clear that many instant foods will cause some serious diseases in a period of time. Most of them are used to eat instant foods, such as nuggets for example. Nugget is a small piece of chicken or fish that has been covered in breadcrumbs and fried. Usually it is disposable in a packed form so that the buyer will easy to cook it. But sometimes some crafty producers use preservative substances to pickle the nuggets or the meal inside it with some preservatives that are not allowed to use. It is very dangerous which makes me agree to say that eating preservative nuggets will do harm for our health.
Why do I say that eating preservative nuggets will do harm for our health? The reason is : some nuggets contain preservative that is called as an addictive substance. The addictive substance is a chemical substance that is mixed in instant foods in order to increase the quality of food products, to sharpen the taste, and to keep the foods fresh for a long time. Then, the addictive substance brings carcinogens, which is the cause of cancer. How dangerous carcinogens to our body is something that many people don’t need to ask about because cancer is really deadening. Not also brings carcinogens, but the addictive substance also brings some other serious diseases if we consume it frequently. It will disturb our kidney, causes diabetes, decreases students’ achievement, disturbs the children’s growth, even the worst thing is it may cause a death of someone.
In short, eating preservative nuggets is not good for our health. It will not give any benefit to our body. But on the contrary, it will cause many serious diseases , even the death of someone if they can’t stop their habit in eating the preservative foods like nugget. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

News Item-EXO's Kris seeking to nullify contract with SM Entertainment


Shocking news comes from Korean Entertainment. Korean famous boy band, EXO will lose one of their members, Kris (Wu Yi Fan), as the main rapper of EXO M. EXO’s Kris has been reported to nullify his contract with SM Entertainment.

News spread out in Korea from Chinese media reported that Kris is asking for his contract to be tormented and filed a lawsuit at the Seoul Central Court. The specific detail of stopping the contract with SM Entertainment has not been given yet, but the Chinese media reports that the reason is nearly same to the case of Hangeng and Super Junior in the previous situation, that is the artists of SM Entertainment are treated just like an object than as an artist. The reports also said that SM one-sidedly decided on their schedules without really considering about the artists’ health. Like what happens in Kris that he has a health problem but SM keep restricting him to work. Because of this reason, they believe that SM is restricting Kris from basic human right to freedom and his choices career wise, the contract should be nullified.

A few Korean media outlets are said to have contacted the court regarding this but a rep from the court is said to have said that there is no record of a suit being filed against SM Entertainment. In response, the Chinese media outlet has said that the suit has not yet been filed, but that Kris will be heading over to file.
It is such a heartbreaking news to the EXO’s fans around the world, not only in Asia. The shocking thing happens when EXO is really in top of their career after their new mini album, with their popular single “Overdose” has been successfully released.


TRANSLATION WORKSHOP (Indonesian-English) Exercise 4-Text of Linguistics Kata linguistik berasal dari bahasa latin lingua yang be...