Saturday, July 5, 2014

Discussion Text- The Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery becomes more and more booming nowadays. From ordinary people until famous artists are interested in having plastic surgery to maximize their appearance. They are willing to have such a plastic surgery in their body part, no matter how expensive and how pain plastic surgery is. However, not all of people agree about this thing. This is a controversial thing which becomes so debatable problem all over the world.
           For those who agree with the allowance of plastic surgery argue that plastic surgery will make people to get such kind of typical body they want. It is because plastic surgery offers the change of appearance to be more attractive and proportional. Moreover, According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, modern surgeries are actually very safe and new technologies make them safer every day. They recently released a report stating that modern skin grafting techniques are safe and effective for certain plastic surgery augmentations. Another thing which makes people are interested in plastic surgery is that, modern society now tend to judge people on the way they look first instead of the skill they have, so having plastic surgery will help them to cope with their society and also increase self confidence so that people will have a better relationship with society. Furthermore, studies have shown that people will attribute personal qualities to an individual based on their attractiveness.
           Besides the advantages of plastic surgery above, there are also some points which become the disadvantages of plastic surgery. For those who disagree with plastic surgery argue that plastic surgery can be psychologically damaging. It is because the result of plastic surgery is not always sophisticated as the patient want. There are lots of problem like malpractice in case of plastic surgery, like what happened to the king of pop, Michael Jackson, for example. Although modern technology is used in plastic surgery, but human error cannot be avoided in this thing, because surgeons are not always perfect, they also can make mistakes too.

           According to those statements, I can deduce that plastic surgery will only create people’s mindset that beauty or handsomeness is the things that should be had by all people. To me, this is really an awful thing because someone must be proud of the things they have got in the first place. Changing what has been created by God only shows that someone does not appreciate what God has given to him. So, I personally think that plastic surgery should be banned; it will only bring bad than good.

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