Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Descriptive Text- My Cutie Little Brother

I have a cute brother named Gilang. He is 7 years old now and in the 1st grade of an Elementary school. He is my second little brother.
        He is a cute little boy in black straight hair with fair complexioned skin. He also has chubby cheeks. The dimples in her cheeks make him even cuter. Then, he has a sharp nose and two beautiful eyes. For short I love the composition of his face. His body, although he is skinny but he likes eating so much. His favorite meal is sweet foods whatever it is. The most he likes is chocolate. One thing that makes me jealous is that, he likes eating but he cannot be fat.
        Another thing about him is that he is also a diligent student. He always does his homework at home with or without any help from me, or my parents. Whenever he asks for help to finish his homework, he becomes an enthusiastic one. He will not stop asking until he gets an answer that is really satisfied him. Besides being diligent, like other little boy, he also likes playing. Playing anything especially play station. He really likes playing it with my older little brother. Unfortunately, he often gets lose in game. He is often defeated by his brother (my first little brother). Then, whenever it happens, he will cry a moment. What he wants is that always to be a winner. Then, another thing is that he is a sensitive boy. Besides crying when he gets lost to win the game, he also becomes whine when we unconditionally say little crude words to him. When this happens, he will lock himself in his room for hours. And it needs a hard struggle for us to make him becomes normal again as usual.
        He is so closed to me. We often spend time together at home. I often take care of his eating schedule. I become his servant whenever at home, for short. But he is also my guardian for keeping me whenever there is a cat appears unconditionally at our home. Unlike me who do not like cat, he does not have any fear in many animals. He even has ever told me that he will have his own tiger when he becomes adult. What a weird thing it is?

        Well, that is all about my little brother.


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