Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Report Text - Tea

Tea is a kind of beverage that has an aromatic fragrance. It is originated in China since a long time ago as a medical drink. All tea is produced from a plant called Camellia sinensis. It has a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavor. It is usually served by blending it with boiled or hot water then adding sugar to give a sweet taste. Actually, tea is not always served in hot water, it is also can be served in cool water, it depends on someone’s taste. Furthermore, tea is also often served with some kind of snacks like cookies and cakes, and sometimes people just enjoy drinking it whenever evening comes, sometimes morning also.
Nowadays, tea becomes the most widely consumed beverage in the world after water. Instead of its benefits for health, people enjoy drinking tea because of its unique taste. Its benefits for health may count from its capability in making people feel calm, preventing obesity, cancer, liver, and others. Studies have shown from Glasgow University  that drinking green tea can prevent those kind of diseases mentioned, especially cancer.

There are also some kinds of tea like Jasmine tea, green tea, black tea, herbal tea, rose tea, chamomile tea, and others. Those kinds of tea are being  favorited by many  people now. In Japan, there is such kind of ceremony of drinking tea named Japanese Tea Party or sado. Another example, in Britain, British custom of drinking is also very famous until there is a song entitled “Everything stops for tea” because everything they do, whether they are still working or not, they will stop doing their work and start drinking tea.

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