Sunday, July 6, 2014

Analytical Exposition Text- A Life Destroyer

It’s undeniable that life is not always simple as the way people expected. It is because many problems may come to life in every single day. Facing too many problems often makes people feels depressed and try to find an easiest way to solve them. However, instead of solving their problems accurately with a normal way, many people now tend to choose such a worse thing such as consuming wrong-used drugs. For example, many people now consume drugs which are derived from stimulant substances such as cocaine, crystal meth and nicotine. Basically, stimulant drugs are not dangerous from their derivation. But, many people consume them under their well-knowledge without paying attention about its effects, drug doses, and doctors’ suggestion. As a result, stimulant abuse can be the one of the destroyer for everybody’s life.
`        Firstly, stimulant can make people become addicted until become worse. It is because stimulant is such a substance which can make people stay awake for a long time without causing tiredness toward people who use it. It directly works on people’s brain so that people who consume this kind of drugs feel that they can do all of their work easily. Mainly, Stimulant is usually consumed by athletes to keep their spirit on. But nowadays, many teenagers also use this kind of drugs in order to make their brain easier to concentrate with their study. Furthermore, the worst thing is some of them also use stimulant only because of their curiosity toward it, without a clear reason but only to just have fun with their friends. As a result is, they try it once then become addicted to use it over and over again. When they become addicted on it, they will don’t care about anything except thinking of the way how to get it. They will spend much money to buy this drug, then, if there is no more money, they will do many bad things like stealing their parents or people’s money, selling anything they have, and other worse things.
           Secondly, instead of its addiction, stimulant also causes some symptom diseases like heart disease and stroke. It is because of the broken artery which comes from blood doesn’t do its main task properly to shed oxygen in whole of human body. Moreover, consuming too much stimulant will also cause insomnia, lost appetite, high blood pressure, headache, and even a death of someone. Those diseases are mainly caused by the kind of strong stimulant. Strong stimulant may include amphetamine, ecstasy, and duromine. While low stimulant like caffeine in coffee, nicotine in tobacco, and also ephedrine that is usually used for asthma medicine, they do not cause certain serious diseases syndromes, but of course if it is used in a right dose.
           In summary, the abuse of stimulant will cause addiction and some serious symptom diseases like heart disease and stroke. Finally it is concluded that the abuse of stimulant will do harm for our body.

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